Wise Men Rant – Your Say On SAFC – Dick on the brain in Bangkok…

Michael Pole writes from Khao Lak in Thailand, where despite being on his honeymoon, he can’t help but think about Sunderland AFC. He captures what it means to be an SAFC supporter; the disillusionment that comes with the passion…



I’m on honeymoon in Thailand and all I can think about is Dick. We were here for Villa but I watched it on a website Sky wouldn’t approve of and I, like everyone else, knew the writing was on the wall.



Ultimately, I’m gutted Gus has gone. We’ve played some good stuff under him at times and last season had absolutely everything a football fan could want but results are king and Gus couldn’t buy one.



We’ve had six gaffers in six years under this chairman and while you can’t really blame him for what happens on the pitch we really need a longer term approach, something different to what we have been doing. Football is beginning to echo politics when these fellas come in and promise the world, Barcelona style attacking football, young exciting British players, promotion from the youth ranks, yet never deliver. We’ve seen enough false dawns to last a lifetime.


I love Sunderland and have had a season ticket for twenty odd years but I’ve never heard so many people talking of not renewing, there’s so much disillusion. We MUST stay up and I’d fancy Dick to do it even though we’ve a tough run in.



I just hope we get some honesty and openness from the club in the summer. Someone who can say he will make changes and is actually given the power and means to do so. I don’t really want to see a mid table team from the north east try to pass it like Barca but I want to see us try. Every game, from the first whistle to the last.



Michael Pole