RIP Tom Lynn – “The world has lost a good one in Tommy Lynn”

We are absolutely devastated to learn of the passing of Tom Lynn. A guest many times on this podcast and a great supporter of everything we do, Tom was the very definition of a Massive Lads Fan and we'll miss him terribly

Like many other Sunderland fans, we are absolutely devastated to learn of the passing of Tom Lynn. A guest many times on this podcast and a great supporter of everything we do, Tom was the very definition of a Massive Lads Fan and we’ll miss him terribly.

Here are some words that Matt has put together, and we’ll be putting out more later in the week.

RIP, Tommy.

I am truly devastated to learn of the passing of Tommy Lynn. Tommy had a huge influence on myself over the years, not least with the role he played in my initial involvement with Sunderland AFC fanzines, and ultimately, Wise Men Say.

It is no exaggeration to say that I wouldn’t have the career I have now in writing without the early influence, and advice, he would give me. Tommy would show a genuine interest in everything I wrote about SAFC. He would tell me it was good (when it probably wasn’t!) – but he would read, and share, absolutely everything I wrote.

I got to know Tommy through my uncle and his friendship group. We shared many a pint, many a gig, and many a laugh. Madness, The Specials, The Who, and who could forget the Ska and Reggae Festival at Northumbria Uni! Great times.

I went to see Madness with Tommy and the lads when I was 17. I remember Gotham Town, what a shithole. But what a laugh. We went for a curry in the Blue Cobra when we got back at about 12:30am. Everyone was steaming and he nicked me a Fez AND a pork pie hat.

Oasis at the Stadium of Light too. What a day. I don’t think I bought a pint all day to be honest, the lads saw me right. The last gig I did with him was Weller at the City Hall, which is where that picture is from. An Easter Sunday in Newcastle. I think they were playing at home. Very relaxing indeed.

Tommy was above all a good man. The best of Sunderland AFC, and truly red and white. The last time I spoke to him was to arrange an appearance on Wise Men Say. Naturally, life and work got in the way, and how I wish it hadn’t. We last had a pint at Stoke this season, and we’d planned for many more. More gigs too.

Tommy was so excited about the future of the city, something we spoke of when the film studio plans were approved recently. He was a man who wanted the best for everyone, the definition of a bloke that “would do owt for ya”.

I will miss him. I’ll miss him as a mate and I’ll miss his stories and his advice.

Sunderland will miss him.

My thoughts are with his family and his loved ones. The world has lost a good one in Tommy Lynn.

RIP, mate. .

‘Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think’.

Matt x