We’ve been running Wise Men Say in some capacity since March 2013. We launched the website in August 2014, and really it’s become more of an archive for the things we do rather than having any original content on it. We don’t like that. That was never the plan.
Doing the two podcasts a week, then having the paper columns on top, then fitting all of this in (and) around work and personal stuff means we aren’t doing it justice. We need some help. We’ve already got a couple of people in, but we’d like one more person involved that can ease the burden a bit whilst enjoying going on about Sunderland and that.
We’re looking for someone that…
- Can be available to guest occasionally on Monday’s WMS podcast. We record around 5.30pm in Sunderland.
- Is willing to write at least one piece a week for the site or one of the papers.
- Is willing to contribute ideas and is generally proactive.
- Wants to write original stuff and try to be engaging. It can be current, silly, general stuff. Whatever. As long as it’s SAFC.
- Doesn’t want to do news or clickbait type bits.
- Will pick dried up soup out of Craig’s beard, polish Stephen’s bonce (must provide own dubbin) and massage Gareth’s ego.
It all feels official writing this, but we need to get organised. This is part of it. We probably look like dicks, more so than usual.
You won’t get much out of it apart from enjoyment (can’t promise) and a few pints (definitely can’t promise). We quite like it and since starting WMS in 2013 we’ve gone on to do some canny things. It’s been hard work, but now we want to spread it out a bit.
If you fancy it then submit a piece to us. It can be on anything you like, between 600-1,000 words. Once we have a few submissions we’ll have a read of them and decide which ones we like, then take it from there. You can send them to contact@wisemensay.co.uk. Thanks!
P.S We’ll also be looking at general submissions. We tried to do some last year, but we didn’t keep on top of it. One of the reasons we need more people!