An update from Wise Men Say…

We aren’t packing in so soz about that, if that’s why you’re here.

A quick update though – something that the majority of you won’t care about or pay attention to which is fine by us.

We’re really proud to have cracked on with the podcast for coming up 12 years now. People have come and gone but we’ve always managed to put out two to three pods a week.

It’s been great to interact with listeners too, whether it be at the live shows, or sitting in pubs pre or post match, telling people about how the pod started and what the plans or for it. Not that there’s ever been any grand plans for it, we just talk about the team we support and invite people to listen in.

I’ve even been bought the odd pint by strangers (usually at aways, and why do people choose away ground toilets as the location to tell me they listen?) and I’m genuinely grateful for it, we are all genuinely grateful for your support.

Over the years we’ve actually turned down sponsorship opportunities here and there, usually betting companies because we haven’t felt fully comfortable about it. You’ll be very aware that the company who publish the pod for us place adverts before, after and in the middle of our shows – now they’ve added a second mid-roll slot. That helps cover our basic running costs and little else.

It’s all been a huge labour of love for the most part.

We’ve been asked (and advised) over the years to offer an ad-free option but have been reluctant. Then Amazon recently started offering our listeners the chance for ad free pods, on the proviso they upgrade their accounts. Well, if you hate ads that much then don’t give bloody Amazon extra cash. I’ve got a feeling they don’t need it.

So we’re doing it. If you want ad-free pods then we’re creating a Patreon option for it, which we’ve called Wise Men Say Extra (this took absolutely ages to decide on, can you tell?).

We’ll also drop in extra little bonus pods for those that sign up. There also looks like some sort of chatroom app attached to it, which we haven’t had a chance to fully look into yet, but that could be a nice little space to talk to other people away from some of the awful spaces that exist on social media.

Nothing at all changes if you don’t sign up. Two or three pods are still landing every week with the usual ad breaks. We will never ever charge people for what we’ve provided for free for 12 years, we wouldn’t dream of it.

This is very much buying us a pint a month. One pint between all of us. Actually it’s cheaper than a pint in most places. Five dollars (can’t use pounds STERLING because Patreon is American).

Thanks for your support.