Cans & Megabus – Your Indispensable Guide To Rotherham

Tom Walsh returns with a handy guide to tonight's trip to the New York Stadium. That's South Yorkshire, not Manhattan.

I hear what you’re saying and, yeh, there wasn’t a Cans & Megabus for QPR. But did you manage all by yourself? I don’t have to hold your hand all the time. Anyway, we’re back now so you don’t have to wander the streets of *checks notes* Rotherham unable to function without your beloved fanzine column.

How Do I Get There?

If you’re driving to Rotherham then simply take the A19, A1(M) and M1 towards Sheffield, leave at junction 34 heading into Rotherham and then just follow the signs for the New York Stadium. There’s a big old car park on the corner of Main Street where you can park for £2.

Sat nav losers: S60 1DF

Those of you on the train will have to change at either Leeds or Sheffield. Cans & Megabus highly recommends changing at Sheffield as the rattler from Leeds takes forever. Rotherham Central station is a five-minute walk from the ground.

What’s the Ground Like?

Pretty nice actually. Despite its confusing name (the area around the stadium is actually called New York, I know, in Rotherham, that’s pretty funny isn’t it), the New York Stadium is a pretty smart ground with nice steep stands and big enough concourses.

Sunderland fans will, of course, have fond memories of this ground from the time Charles N’Zogbia captained a team that would go on to be relegated by David Moyes and when we lost 5-1 under Captain Loser Lee Johnson.

The away section is housed in the Mears Stand behind the goal where there’ll be a sold out block of 2,500 Mackems.

Yer thirsty?

The right answer to the question “where’s the best place to drink in Rotherham?” is, of course, the Sheffield Tap next to Sheffield train station. However, if you insist on drinking in Rotherham itself then you’ll have your pick of the best St George’s Cross-adorned pubs in South Yorkshire.

The Cutlers Arms on Westgate is fine, as is The Bridge Inn next to Rotherham Central station. And there is also the safe option of The Bluecoat Spoons on The Crofts. That’s yer lot.

What’s happening in Rotherham?
